
Cloudbazaar 2017

Mumbai – November 8, 2017

QualiSpace attended the Cloudbazaar 2017 held on the 8th of November, 2017 at the Nesco Grounds, Goregaon. Cloudbazaar is India’s premier Conference, Tradeshow,
Meetup event for Internet Infrastructure Industry where industry veterans share their knowledge and expertise at the Cloudbazaar sessions. Cloudbazaar can be considered as the meeting ground of the brightest minds in the industry and the head honchos of the Internet Infrastructure Industry.

QualiSpace, a Trunkoz group company was a proud silver partners of the event. The one-day event was bustling with activities; Cloudbazaar got a host of Industry experts and organized many keynote events where they willingly shared their success mantras with the visitors. The visitors were also given an opportunity to attend a Panel Discussion where the members talked about the importance of Domains in the current times.

QualiSpace team put up great show of rigour and passion to make the booth equally interactive and fun. QualiSpace’s Free Web Hosting Offer and the Dart game were the two big crowd-pullers to the booth. The Team had a very long day attending visitors, educating them on our offerings and services, interacting with Industry veterans and more. This event proved to be a perfect platform for our teams to know about the latest Industry developments, changing customer expectations. These learnings from the event would help QualiSpace devise new strategies to deliver better products that serve the changing expectations of our customers.

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