The X-factor – that investors look for before investing in a business

Investors are looking for businesses that can give them a great deal. It is hard to get through to the investors with a feeble game plan. Investors are looking for companies that will give returns within no-time and yet be radically sustainable.

Venture Capitalists are not only looking out for great ideas but they are investing in the people behind it. To get to the point that potential investors start happily investing in your business here is something that will help you.

What are the loopholes you need to check before you pitch:

Good customer and market orientation is something you need to take care of. The attitude of if and when will not be enough. You should be subtle yet confident when you make your pitch. Also one needs to deal with a lot of criticism before the business could go live. One should be open to feedback and flexible for sustaining in the given market trends.

Don’t be shy, feel free to innovate:

There are infinite possibilities for ideas and opportunities to make them real. There are businesses which ship material to the moon and back, seriously. So if you feel what you are doing is going to be useful to a big lot tomorrow, shying away is not an option.

FAQs you would face in your pitch:

Why did you start your company? What is the difference you would create with this project of yours? What are the down points of your project? Your plan of action in the first few years?

It is ultimately about execution:

A brilliant idea can only do good in the ever-changing market space if it is executed well. How you execute your vision is what makes your business go from small to big or an epic fail in the market.

A piece of advice:

Your team matters the most. No business has ever come up without having the right people around. Never fall for the – ‘I can do this alone’ type of thought.

If the first few pitches fail or don’t do much for your aspirations to come true, don’t be let down. It may not be your business which is wrong, but maybe they were the wrong investors you were pitching in to.

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